Obsession Session Issue 3 - Cellar Door, Three Packs & Google Reviews
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Hello lovely friends and wine drinkers! So SO SOOO much news to tell you! It's hard to know what even to discuss first! Isn’t it funny how it feels like every thing happens at once - when it rains it truly pours! However it seems to be pour all things amazing at the moment!! Cellar Door We are ecstatic about announcing we will be reopening our CELLAR DOOR! At this stage we are only going open certain weekends until we are back in the swing of things and your all keen to visit! Our first weekend open will be October the...
Obsession Session Issue 2

A little bit of freedom has got us feeling social.The recent changes to the restrictions state-wide and to our local community have us feeling positive looking towards the rest of the year! #thanksgladys Now’s the time to safely reconvene with those friends you have been missing where you can, and there is no better time to catch up over a bottle of Obsession Wine together. Trust us – it tastes so much sweeter shared.10% DISCOUNT CODE: FREEDOM Unfortunately our cellar door still isn't back open to the general public. We are so keen to start planning into the warmer months...
Obsession Session Issue 1

Time for a change: Looking forward What an absolute year it has been, not only for Obsession Wines, but for the entire world. Starting with a bang, Brayne Estate and Obsession Wines took a massive hit with the January 2019/2020 bushfires. Unfortunately the winery suffered huge losses infrastructure damage, machinery and vineyard destruction. Luckily coming from a tight knit community, the support we have received has been unwavering. We were fortunate enough to be part of some pretty amazing bushfire recovery support initiatives and were championed by our loyal customers with continued purchases from new and long-standing wine lovers. We...
Remnants of Adrian's house

Adrian Brayne (owner of Obsession Wines) lost his home on New Years Day 2020, in the Tumbarumba bushfires. Adrian's friends have started raising funds to support him to get back on his feet. If interested, you can support him by clicking on the link below, or read more about Adrian's bushfire story here.
Wine recovered unscathed!

Amongst all of the devastation, there is some good news! Thankfully the cellar escaped the wrath of the fire. Our team have successfully recovered the wine from our property which was untarnished by the fire. Recovering the 2017 and 2018 vintage was critical to us having a potential income source and remaining viable in the future as we rebuild.